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What Should I Do If My Spouse is Concealing Assets?


Many divorce clients find themselves suspecting that their spouse is hiding assets from court in order to protect them from redistribution. For some, it's just a hunch. For others, they're certain. Either way, the existence of these assets needs to be proven in court for a judge to consider them in the overall financial portrait of the marriage. Luckily for the suspecting spouse, there are methods to ensure that all assets are open to consideration in court.

Depending on the client's own financial situation, there are a few different strategies to exposing hidden assets during a divorce. Some require additional legal costs, but evidence of possible concealed assets may be able to be gleaned from documents that spouse already has access to.

During, or even shortly before a divorce, a suspecting spouse should consult the following documents belonging to the opposing spouse:

  • Pay stubs
  • Bank statements
  • Tax returns
  • Credit card statements
  • 1099 tax forms
  • Any cancelled checks
  • Any public records of other property

Information and discrepancies in these documents may give you the evidence you need prove that your spouse is hiding assets. If, however, you do not have access to these documents, then it's possible to file a discovery motion. This can result in subpoenas to compel your spouse, their banks, employers, or other relevant parties to relinquish financial information. It's also possible to hire forensic accountants to review your spouse's finances to uncover anything hidden.

Get the Settlement You Deserve

Thorough financial investigations can come at an additional cost, but that expense should be weighed against any potential assets these investigations stand to find. One of the most critical factors in a successful divorce settlement is making sure each spouse gets the money and support they deserve. If your Nassau County divorce attorney is truly putting your interests first, then they will have the contacts and resources to make these investigations available to you.

At Jason M. Barbara & Associates, P.C., we've assisted numerous divorce clients uncover buried assets that had a bearing on the trial. If you suspect your spouse may be hiding money or property from you, we invite you to call our Nassau County divorce lawyers today for a free consultation.
